Dec 23, 2003


Man, I REALLY missed cold cereal. I copped a bunch of bananas and a half-gallon of 2% milk yesterday. Moms already had some new boxes of Kellogg’s finest in store. Not that there isn’t any cold cereal in Japan, it’s just that two types of cereal is rather boring. Let’s see, there’s Frosted Flakes and Choco Crispies, and that’s about it for Japan. In a country where a great number of people eat rice, pickles, and miso soup for breakfast everyday, Frosted Flakes and Choco Crispies are enough to satisfy the domestic cold cereal-eater, but I need a little more variety in my cereal selection, and when it comes to cold cereals, the USA IS #1!

Mmm. Icy cold milk and sliced banana over Fruit Loops is the ish. I can eat that standing up! Mmm…rainbow milk. Good.

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