Jan 18, 2004


I went to Capoeira tonight. Practice was pretty tough--I could tell that I definitely got weaker over the holidays. We did an exercise where he had to squat with our knees locked in 90 degree positions; that was murder on the thighs. In addition to that, Z put together these super-long Tekken-like sequences of attacks and evasions which simply wore us out. With such intense practices, I should be back in shape in no time.
Before the workout, though, we practiced the instruments, and I got to beat on a tambourine for the first time. It was good. I got the basic rhythm down pretty quickly and about 15 people were jamming between the pandeiros, or tambourines, the berimbau, the one-stringed percussive instruments, and the atatabaque, the big congo drum.

When I got home, I finished off the fish curry I made last night. It was pretty good; i added potatoes also. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the fish I used was salmon, from Chile. The curry smelled really fishy, but it was quite tasty.

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