Jan 22, 2004


Yesterday was the coldest day of the year thus far--the temperature was definitely close to freezing when I got to school in the morning. There were ice patches on the ground, plus there was a slight wind, which made it more excruciating. Junior high was unbelievably cold. I could see my breath in the hallways and in the classrooms. As cold as it was, they still had the windows and doors cracked open "to keep fresh air circulating." I was looking at people like they were crazy. I mean, I appreciate fresh air as much as the next person, but I think we can breathe a little so-called stale air if it means we don't have to freeze half to death. Afterall, we are mammals.

At home, I've been eating a lot of curry rice lately, and it's pretty damn good. Last night I made chicken and potato curry, with carrots, onions and mushrooms. It was great. Curry rice really makes for a tasty, hearty meal, plus I always have leftovers from each time I make it, so I can get at least 2 meals out of every batch. I really think I'm gonna eat this stuff until I get absolutely sick of it. I used to make yakisoba almost every other day, for months, until I suddenly got tired of making it. I haven't had soba in months. As a matter of fact, I still have an unused pack of soba in the fridge that's been in there since I don't how long.

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