Feb 18, 2004


I cracked my noggin pretty good at school yesterday: It was right after 3rd period, and I was half-blindly walking down the hall while I was correcting some student's papers. I'm so used to just coasting under the 6 foot sliding door to the teacher's room, that I totally took it for granted, walked in blindly while looking down at the work in my hands and...


Ooh, that felt heavenly. Especially, when the blood started trickling down the side of my head. The sound was loud enough to make a few teachers' heads turn, including the principal, who made a wincing face and gesture toward his head, along with a couple other teachers who just made wincing faces like "Ooh, I know that hurt like hell." I think only one person actually asked if I was OK, but nobody offered to fetch a band-aid or anything, even when they watched me walk over to grab a kleenex to staunch the bleeding*. I didn't cry though. Not a tear. I didn't even tell the school nurse. I just sucked it up like the soldier that I be and prepared for my next class. *(In case you're wondering, it wasn't a serious wound, just a small surface wound on the top of my dome.)

In the evening, I met up with Thomas at the local gym for some capoiera practice. I got a nice little workout, broke a sweat and whatnot. Thomas is still jobless, visaless. He wants to continue capoeira, but Z told him he has to pay up some cash for this week's sessions, but dude is dead broke. Dunno what he's gonna do about that. Glad I'm not in that situation.

Richard called me up before I went to the gym. He's going into the hospital tomorrow for his dental surgery. He's going under anesthesia and has to stay overnight--just for a doggone tooth. Japanese hospitals love to in-patient people. I won't be talking to him 'til he gets released on Friday, but it looks like I'm gonna be rolling with him for sure down to Osaka this weekend. Looking forward to kicking it in the 'O' for the first time.

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