Friday of the first week of school. Junior High. Things are back as usual, which means I'm being utterly ignored. I mean, before I was generally ignored, but now, it's like I I'm invisible. I'm actually starting to think that a cadre of teachers actually don't want me here. I don't know what the problem is, but it's not like I'm not doing what I'm asked to. I haven't had the perfect relationship with my co-teachers, but it's not like we haven't been trying. At least so I thought. There's just a general lack of communication between myself and the 2-3 teachers I teach with. It's almost like people dread talking to me, and the other homerooms teachers basically don't speak to me at all, ...not even in Japanese, even though my listening comprehension is decent. I believe most of the teachers here think I don't understand the language at all, which may be one of the reasons they don't venture to talk to me, I suspect. Rather disappointing after working here for almost a year and a half. Hmm.