Sep 8, 2004


I've officially stopped counting. There was a fourth the night before in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. I didn't even know until one of the teachers at school asked me about it. Then there was the one last night shortly before midnight. I've been on edge since the third one, so I'm a wee bit paranoid about any kind of movement while I'm sitting down (toilet excluded). Between the bigger quakes I swore I've felt small tremors. After last night, I don't think I'm so "noid" after all. I read somewhere that a bunch of smaller quakes in a short period helps shave off pent-up energy between tectonic plates to stave off bigger, more ominous quakes. I don't know if that info was based on science or myth, but I hope it's true, because all this quaking is making me nervous.

On a happy note, I got my absentee ballot in the mail yesterday. Ohhh yeahhh. Time to send Bushbaby and his ranchmonkeys packing! More later...