Jan 4, 2004


Whew. I finally finished "micro-packing", which was quite a precise operation, I must say. Plus, my peoples were still ringing me up through all ungodly hours of the night. I didn't even bother going to sleep tonight; I slept well last night, plus I'll have plenty of snooze time on that 13 hour flight back. I leave in about 2 hours for the airport, then I'll be on my way back East.

I feel good about this winter's little vacation home, overall. It started off a bit slow and dry, because of the 1-week jetlag handicap. Although I missed a few heads, I got in touch with most of the people I'd intended to. Oh, and I FINALLY found a dentist yesterday(Woo hoo!) And no root canal for the kid! What a RELIEF. After calling up crazy amounts of dentists, I got some leads from some periodontal insiders who gave me the skinny on a slick tooth doctor on the Southside who accepts cash only. No, but really, I literally ended up walking into a local dentist's office off the street and he hooked a bro up on the spot. I was his last patient of the day, and I paid for the work only, no emergency charges or anything, didn't even bill me for the X-ray. Dr. Getty did me right. Props to Dr. Getty. I did NOT want to be fumbling around overseas trying to get dental work in Japanese. There's no telling what would end up happening to my mouth if I mistakenly spoke the wrong phrase; I'm not interested in finding out either. It's not that Japan doesn't have dentists, or even good ones for that matter. It's just MUCH more convenient to get your business handled in your home country, in your native tongue. Ya heard? Glad that's over and done with.

Well, I must take a shower now and dress. See you tomorrow on the other side of the Pacific. Peace.

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