Dec 10, 2003



OK, today is just plain ridiculous. It's even colder than yesterday and I had to do calisthenics in class just to warm up. Honestly.

The classroom thermometer read 13°C, which is about 55°F. This was IN THE CLASSROOM, mind you. And to top that off, in one class they had the WINDOW OPEN (What the hey?)! We might as well have have held class outside on the exercise field. This no heat business is not even cool (no pun intended), and this is borderline abuse to the kids. I'm thinking this could NOT go down in the States--all types of people would be getting sued. I asked one of the teachers why there was no heat, and he said it was because the town gov't didn't want to pay for it. That's pretty wack.

I did find out, however, that schools in the city (Nagoya) do have heat. So, having unheated schools isn't necessarily a national norm afterall. Basically, this little country town we're in in the region south of the city is getting a raw deal. And it's only going to get colder come January.

Today, the staffroom is definitely the place to be.

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